Monday, August 31, 2009


1 - Marque um (X) nas ações que aparecem nas imagens acima.
( ) singing ( ) playing
( ) dancing ( ) cooking
( ) sleeping ( ) travelling
( ) eating ( ) drinking
( ) calling ( ) reading

2- Complete as idéias abaixo usando os verbos que você assinalou acima
a - The girl is _________________ a beautiful song.
b - The man is _________________ her family in Brazil.
c - The people are __________________ by bus.
d - The guy is _________________ because he is hungry.
e - The boys are __________________soccer.
f - The man is _________________on the books.

3 - qual é a forma negativa das sentenças acima?
a - _____________________________________
b - _____________________________________
c - _____________________________________
d - _____________________________________
e - _____________________________________
f - _____________________________________

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